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Berlin Track Record


Germany maintains its position as a haven for international sentiment and remains positive thanks to the robust labour market and increasing domestic consumption. Berlin has drawn a lot of investor attention; operating as Germany’s centre for government, technology and education, whilst its prime luxury apartments are still vastly more affordable than the equivalent in major cities such as New York, London and Paris.

Our portfolio in Berlin is one of the most diverse with a selection of new and purpose build developments. Located across various neighbourhoods, our apartments in Berlin appeal to both international and local young working professionals as well as the international student market. With several new developments due to complete over the coming months in Berlin, we are very excited to see our footprint in Germany expand further to cities such as Leipzig.

Our success in Berlin:

  • 61% of our tenants have renewed with us after their initial tenancy
  • Our average tenancy length in Berlin is 20 months – the highest across our global network
  • Our current occupancy rate in Berlin is 98%
  • 108% Rents vs. Cashflow for our clients
  • Average rental yield of 4.36% achieved


Our development successes in Berlin:

If you would like to find out more information about our services in Germany, you can contact us by calling the office on +49 30 31806594